Glenburn has a General Assistance program for people in need.
If you need help, applications will be taken at the Glenburn Town Office on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays between the hours of 8 AM and 4 PM. If this is an emergency and the town office is closed, contact the sheriff's department at 945-4636.
A written decision will be given within 24 hours of receiving your application for General Assistance. If the town refuses to take your application or if you disagree with a decision that was made, you can call the Maine Department of Health and Human Services at 1-800-422-6003 Monday through Friday from 8 AM to 5 PM. If you call after 5 PM, leave a message with a telephone number and you will be contacted the next business day.
The Town of Glenburn has an ordinance describing the rules for its General Assistance program. You can see a copy of this ordinance at the Glenburn Town Office or online under Ordinances on the menu of this website. The State's General Assistance law can be seen with the ordinance.
This notice is pursuant to Maine law at Title 22 MRSA §§ 4304-4305.
Please contact Katie Allen at the town office if you have any questions.