Adult Programming


Social Club Luncheons for adults 60+

Join us every 3rd Wednesday of the month from 11-1pm at the clubhouse, located on the corner of Phillips Rd & Ohio St. 

Gather with your peers, have some laughs, conversations, and social time, lunch is provided, a different activity each month, always a good time!  Bring a friend, get out of the house for a couple hours and come have some fun, you'll be glad you did

Next one Jan 17


**ADULT Basketball - on hold

Please do NOT bring your children - this will be enforced  - safety reasons

Thursday evenings - 7:30-9pm,

 $2 fee per night.  This program is trying to come back, we had 4 people last week, March 30, hoping for more this week.  Trying to hit the minimum this spring in hopes it will be back bigger & better Oct 2023.

Minimum of 8 and maximum of 15 registrants



**ADULT VOLLEYBALL** - on hold

Time to try and get adult volleyball going again!!  If you want to play some fun, pick up volleyball, then I encourage you to get out there and rally some friends to join in.

FEE; $10 per person due first night, need a minimum of 10-12 players

Tuesday evenings only from 6:30-8pm

Program will be discontinued if there isn't enough participants


Year round exercise class, with instructor Andrea White.

Fall session went great, make this part of your new year's resolution and join us next Tuesday, Jan 9, 2024

Location old office building on Lakeview Rd

Come join Miss Andrea White our instructor, to relax, socialize and get some exercise

Unfortunately our winter sessions are not getting off to a great start, we will be canceling this Jan-Feb session.  We may try again after Feb vacation.

$30per person covers all 6 classes.

Grab a friend, take a break from your daily routine just once a week for you!

We need at least 5-7 participants to make these classes successful.  If you have a group of friends that would commit to a 6-week class - let us know at



Glenburn Parks & Rec has outdoor trails, that are great for recreating all seasons.  You can walk / run during the nice weather, or you can cross country ski / snowshoe during the winter. 

The nature trail behind the school baseball field, on Hudson Rd

The walking trails at the Ohio St park, straight back behind the playground equipment, has 3 paths that intertwine.

Our parks are open year round 1/2 hour before sunset until 1/2 hour after sunset.  

Any indoor walking is ON HOLD.






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