Elections and Voting

Meetings and elections are held at the Glenburn Municipal Building, 144 Lakeview Road, Glenburn, ME.

The annual town meeting and elections are held the second Tuesday in June.  Special town meetings may be called during the year by the Town Council.  Notices of these elections are posted at the Town Office, Glenburn Library, Glenburn School outside bulletin board, Village Variety, West Glenburn Community Center, and Checkout Convenience Store.   

The Secretary of State sets the date and times of the State and Federal elections. 

How to register to vote:
The State of Maine allows residents to register to vote at any time including the day of election.  You may register to vote at the town office by seeing Registrar of Voters, Katie Allen.  You must have identification and proof of residency.  If you have any questions, please call the town office at 942-2905.

Absentee voting:
Effective April 10, 2000, Maine has "no reason" absentee voting.  The law permits absentee ballots to be cast at any election by any voter who properly requests a ballot.  A voter may cast his/her absentee ballot at the town office during regular business hours.  Absentee ballots are available approximately 30 days prior to the elections.  Absentee ballots may be requested by the following means: 

  • Telephone (by voter only)
  • In writing (by voter or immediate family member)
  • In person (by voter or immediate family at the town office) 

Election Day workers:
If you are interested in working at the polls on election day, please contact Katie at the town office.  The town maintains a database of persons willing to serve in this capacity.

For more information concerning elections in Maine, contact the Secretary of State at www.state.me.us/sos.



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